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Things on the floor: an incomplete analysis

I haven't posted a "things on the floor" list in a very long time. I'll tell you what's on the floor around me now, and then give you a list from 2005 that I stumbled upon today.

And I'm actually going to modify the list to include the table and various work surfaces. I've apparently graduated from using the floor as storage. yay!

My workspace:
a postcard from Austin for Jared, personalized, addressed, and unstamped
business section of the Dallas Morning News
320GB external HD
cell phone
Love Poems by Nikki Giovanni
The Prophet
sketch book (which I do not sketch in, but use as a notebook. I hate lines on paper)
too many pens, pencils, sharpies, and paintbrushes to count all stuffed inside of a stained glass chicken
various notes wirrten on the back of receipts, cards, and a ton of napkins. I just can't be confined to a notebook!
empty coffee cup
7 earrings, not pairs mind you. but 7 individual ones.

Bruce, in his cone
5 pairs of shoes: sneakers, 3 sets of flats, one pair of black heels (but not the same ones as below)
1 stuffed monkey
1 pull rope with hearts on the end
10GB HD from my old iMac
photograph of Bruce
a femur from some poor cow
dog hair. tons of it. gross.
last week's edition of The Economist

Things on the floor on December 22, 2005

alarm clock (upside down and unplugged)
receipts...tons all from different bars
book "spliffs", a textbook on marijuana, a gift from a former co-worker
t-mobile bill (yikes!)
one black heel, upside down
13 assorted pens, pencils, sharpies, and one tube of watercolor paint (not sure where it came from..)
4 belts
3 suitcases
one "American Vintage" shopping bag...lying on it's side
one black strapless bra
one smoke alarm
one red ashtray
assorted pile of books that serve as my night stand
one teal full-length brocade jacket
dog hair
and a sock

I think the analysis here is clear: I will always have pens, journals, dog hair, and black heels. Yes, I'm certain that's the only analysis here...


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