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Wedding Schmedding

hope these are taxpayer funded sick bags!
I can not tell you how excited I am that the royal nuptials are taking place today. It's not because of the amazingly bad 
awesome royal wedding souvenirs that are available either (click that link, you won't be sorry).
No, I am counting down the hours to this wedding so that I can quit frakking hearing about it. If I hear one more person use the word "fairytale" I'm gonna need to order one of those Royal Wedding barf bags.
Why are Americans so obsessed with the royals and their weddings? It can't just be about the ceremony. Seriously, I mean if Americans really cared that much about weddings wouldn't they vote to let everyone get married so they can watch even more grotesque hemorrhages of money in the name of love? It's gotta be about the "fairytale".
Women (and some of my best gay man mates) are still in love with the idea that some Princess Charming is going to swoop in, sweep them off of their feet and in to a life of privilege. A life where they won't have to worry about anything. They won't have to work at a job where they are undervalued, or make any decisions about which health insurance option to buy, or use a vacation day to wait for the damn cable dude. Trust me- I get the allure of being taken care of (and of having a servant to wait for that cable dude or dudette). But do we honestly believe that just because the word Princess or Prince precedes a name that they don't have any problems? Everyone, no matter how rich or famous or glamourous, has problems. Give up the fairytale! It doesn't exist.
Now, I'm not saying that two people can't meet and fall in love and be happy ever after. I firmly believe that such a marriage (legal or not) can exist. But it won't be perfect every moment. To enter in to a relationship with the idea that it can be perfect imprinted all over your subconscious is not only naïve, but puts a crushing amount of pressure on your partner.
So, if you, or someone you know suffers from Cinderella Complex, buy Stephanie Vermeulen's 2007 book, Kill the Princess: Why Women Still Aren't Free From the Quest for a Fairytale Life and give it a read.


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