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Coffee Rantings: Odd Fellows opens in Bishop Arts

A word about service. 
I have visited a new coffee shop/restaurant in my neighborhood four times now. I've come early, I've come in the middle of the day, I've even come a half hour prior to close and every time I am confused about where to go/what to do. The place is a coffee shop and a breakfast/brunch spot. This is a natural combination and I'm so happy to see it in Oak Cliff, and only a short bike ride from my house! But I need a bit more coffee shop from them. Or a bit more brunch place from them. I don't know where to put myself when I just want to sit and drink coffee and type. I feel odd taking a table from a server who insists on ordering my soy latte for me. I've tried getting it myself and squatting at a table but this only confuses matters more. And I'm not the only one. I see other uncomfortable squatters trying to figure this situation out.

Do not try this at home. It burns the beans
and your spoon will never be normal again.
A sign on the outside of the entrance reads "Seat your beautiful self". Which I love! Yet when you walk inside you're right in front of a barista. Who will take your order. and in ten or so minutes you'll have a latte (that was my first visit, now that they've been open for 3 weeks I'm getting my lattes much quicker). If you seat yourself at one of the tables like you were told to, and order only coffee the servers are miffed (and they should be) because they're short one table in their section. That is if someone comes by in a reasonable amount of time. The hostess will get you water rather quickly, but she is not there for coffee orders. Since the hostess gave you water and a menu most servers assume you need time to get it together. But if you're feining for coffee those precious 3 minutes of alone time will reveal the junkie you truly are. And if it's ain't pretty.

This place needs a bar type seating place for coffee/pastry only people. Or very clear directions on their unique set up. Or I need a tutor. All three of these could be true.

This coffee shop/restaurant has pretty decent food (which would probably rate somewhere on the excellent scale for less, um... nuanced eaters, but what I'm really saying is that I'm a picky bitch with unbelievably high standards and to me this food is good, not 5 stars, but 4). This hybrid entity is a great concept. Sometimes I want brunch but don't want crappy Sysco drip coffee. Sometimes I just want a latte and a pastry. This place is trying like hell to hit that sweet spot but it just hasn't yet. and don't get me started on their baristas. They've got one guy that they've borrowed/stolen from Pearl Cup and I only expect a drinkable soy latte when he makes it. He is a god-send.

A word on baristas. 
Baristas are afforded an unreasonably high social standing for their menial job. A talented barista should be much cooler than you. Do not be alarmed! They should be so much cooler than you that he/she should not need to make direct eye contact with you, their clothes are more hip than yours, they are piping the latest indie rock that doesn't even come out for another two weeks, and they are more well read than you. Even if you have a PhD in literature. Seriously, they've read more (and better) books than you ever will. In a word, they're the local hip-ometer. 

La Marzocco
most bad ass espresso machine ever. ever!
I squealed like a teenage girl and/or Perez Hilton at a Justin Bieber concert when I saw that this new place had a La Marzocco machine. I am that serious about my espresso. I have been known to drive 40 miles for a soy latte made by a career barista on this machine. and not regret one single carbon emission for doing so. I want this place to succeed. I need this place to succeed. For the environment! And I think it will. They've been open for about 3 and a half weeks now so I'm sure a few more will iron out the awkwardness. Check them out if you're in Bishop Arts. Odd Fellows: 316 W 7th Street, Dallas, TX, 75208
Odd Fellows: WAY better than this guy.


If you are looking for a coffee shop in the Dallas area check out Global Peace Factory. Global Peace Factory serves quick meals, pastries, and other delicious snacks. We are a gourmet coffee house that is dedicated to making a difference in the world. With every cup of coffee, or every meal that we serve we donate a percentage of every sale to a local charity. So what are you waiting for? Come enjoy a delicious cup of coffee while also bettering the local Dallas Community! Every Cup Counts!
Angela J said…
that sounds wonderful! Sadly I don't go north of Northwest Highway very often. I'll tell my NoDa (North Dallas) friends about you though!

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