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Showing posts from March, 2011

You Like This

I made a FB fan page for My Fabulous Confabulation. It's just like this blog but with status updates! I know that I have several readers that follow me here that are not on my personal facebook so I thought I would post the link here. Which will automatically post it on the fan page. Which will lead you back to this blog. If at any point you find yourself trapped in the never ending self referencing links please just shut down your computer and go outside. It's nice out there.

(Too many) Words with (not real) Friends

This is where I met "Wordy123" I started playing Words with Friends about 9 months ago. If you don't have a phone capable of supporting "Apps" or applications then you may not know what I'm talking about. WWF is Scrabble, but on your smart phone. One of many time wasters available that makes waiting at the doctor's office/oil change place/urinal all that much better.  When I first got WWF I was VERY eager to play. Waiting for my friends to send a word back (which ranged from a play every half hour to every 3 or 4 days) was agonizing. I wanted to play. A lot. So I added a few random opponents while I built up my "people I actually know" opponent list. In my first week I had about 25 games going. I was eating my day away one little letter tile at a time. I would wake up and play a game while I walked Bruce. I'd play while I waited for my english muffin to toast. I'd play while I walked from my car to whatever building I was going t...

Adventures in Craig's List

I have gotten 5 emails from people telling me how funny my craig's list ad was...but not one person actually wanted to buy my damn couch! I also updated the ad to say "text with questions about the couch only" because people were texting me...but not about the couch. Here's the ad. Seriously, let me know if you want to buy my awesome brown couch. It's totally not disgusting. GOOD USED COUCH FROM NON-DISGUSTING PREVIOUS OWNER - $275 (Oak Cliff) Date: 2011-03-27, 6:42PM CDT Reply to:   [ Errors when replying to ads? ] Do you want a used couch that isn't totally freaking disgusting? do you need to save money on a couch but don't want to buy something that is riddled with someone else's germs, spills, secretions, and un-lint-rollable pet hair? LOOK NO FURTHER! I have the couch for you! I am a completely normal person who used the couch for occasional sitting. And when I say occasional, I mean that! I do not even...