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Showing posts from 2010


My great friend Mr. PIXIE composed some music to accompany my narration of this short story. He featured it as one of the "treats" he's giving out for Halloween on his facebook  fan page. You can watch the video and listen to my awful southern accent below. If you'd like to read the story instead, follow this link . Happy Halloween!

We got two, TWO options for flushing now.

HydroRight Dual Flush Converter My partner and I were buying some paint at Home Depot recently and saw a display for water saving toilet converters. We had noticed a few of the restaurants we frequent have two options for flushing in their bathroom and thought it was a pretty neat effort to "go green". The toilets offer a big flush and a little flush. We looked at the box for the kit and it seemed simple and cheap enough to try out. For about $20 ($17.98 + tax at home depot) and 5-10 minutes of installation time-according to the box- we could reduce our water consumption by up to 30% a year. Now, I'm all about saving water and the environment but I'm always a bit more motivated when it also happens to save me cash. So, we bought a converter kit and installed the HydroRight Dual Flush Converter ( about a month ago. It did not take me 5-10 minutes to install. It took me about 20 minutes to eff up by misinterpreting the visual aids and securi...

guerrilla restaurants in our midst

I recently went to my very first guerrilla restaurant and am in love with this cavalier approach to food. I love the idea so much that the place could have served me easy mac and I would loved it- but they didn't. They served me awesome gourmet pizza with Jimmy's (yes, Jimmy's food store!) sausage. The pies cook in 2-3 minutes because the oven (which is on a red trailer so it can go anywhere) is so damn hot. It's made from volcanic ash and probably has some Italian mobsters' ashes thrown in for added authenticity. Check out this February pizza review of Cane Rosso on the Gay List Daily review site. I won't bore you by writing the same "oh-my-gawd-i-just-met-jeezus" review of their pizza, but I will add an update. As of last week, the owner of this seriously-best-thing-i've-ever-put-in-my-mouth-and-maybe-I-suffer-from- Pica -disorder is certified by the Associazone Verace Pizza Napoletana , the official governing body over all those who create tru...

How to avoid hand cramps when you're in the 3rd grade

A t the beginning of the third grade my mother moved my brother and I to a new school. She did this often. With each move I attempted to blend in and fade away with the other children; but with a younger brother whose rebellious reputation was known in the tri-county area and a mentally ill mother this never seemed to happen. Each time I would gradually become known as the good student with the crazy mother and hellion brother. This meant I was never invited to sit with people at lunch, or play at recess. At our young stage of development we didn’t understand that mental illness was not something you caught; that my raving mother’s appearance outside of homeroom would not infect our teacher, or my classmates. I was blacklisted. Determined for this move to be different I decided to reinvent myself, to remove as much of my family as I possibly could. When I walked into my first class at this new elementary school and the teacher called out my name, “Elizabeth Johnson” I replied, “Act...